Buraglio (Pierre) : Notes discontinues

Though most of them look and read like essays, these texts written between 2005 and 2017 should probably be regarded as work diaries, in which the painter Pierre Buraglio – author of a drawing series called “Drawing after… drawing about…” – trains his vision on other painters’ works. Decipher, describe and redraw a painting, read, quote and discuss the writings of the masters of the past : in Buraglio’s eyes, this is all one way to enrich your own pictorial language. To write is too see more – that could be the lesson of this book.

16 x 20 cm
200 p.
ISBN : 979-10-92444-43-8

Date de publication : 5 février 2019

Foreign Rights

L’Atelier contemporain attempts to publish books of art and literature and books which associate artists and writers, with the concern to revive a dialogue between the literary and plastic arts.
The ambition is to explore the « paths of the création » through five collections gathered within the company : essays on art, written by artists, conversations and correspondences, monographs, and literature.

Autres livres de cette collection