“A painter’s last works are sometimes those in which he speaks for the first time. They make undone all that has been done before. They bring about time. They are the paintings of a birth.” Gaëtan Picon’s lucid meditation on the effect of time in art is based on a paradox : that very shaking of his hand which Poussin regarded as a sign of his age and the decline of his art, and in which Chateaubriand, for his part, saw the most wonderful feature of the great painter’s last works, is but the birth of the spirit of painting. This first reedition of Picon’s great essay of 1970 includes new essays by the poets, writers and specialists Yves Bonnefoy, Agnès Callu, Francis Marmande, Philippe Sollers and Bernard Vouilloux.
16 x 20 cm
248 p.
ISBN : 979-10-92444-22-3